Tue 07 Jan 2025 - Tue 18 Mar 2025 , 5 rounds (provisionally)
90 mins + 30 sec/move (Sec A), Lower sections: 75 + 30, 60 + 30, 45 + 30 depending on ratings. Different time controls if both players agree to adjourn.
Availability - enter or change your availability.
Players - their availability.
Fixtures - Pairings, results, standings. Choose round number.
Details & Report on 5 round FIDE, ICU annd SCC rated all-play-all tournament in 9 sections, with Coaching sessions between rounds if we can arrange it.
Three boards Live. Also on lichess (These are last year's games). Open to all ICU and SCC members.
1st, 2nd, 3rd place engraved medals or plaques in each section. Fingal Open Cup for Sec A winner. Cups for Skerries Club Champion and Skerries U18 Girls and Boys Champions.
Tue 05 Nov 2024 - Tue 10 Dec 2024 , 6 rounds (provisionally)
25 mins + 10 sec/move , or as agreed, to allow younger players to leave early
Availability - enter or change your availability.
Players - their availability.
Fixtures - Pairings, results, standings. Choose round number.
Entry Fee €20 by Tue 23 Oct (or €30 by Mon 4 Nov or €35 after that if space allows), free for members by 23 Oct, €10 after that. Open to members and non members under 16 on the 31st July next year, with an address in the Skerries area. For the competition duration players will become members of Skerries Chess Club. They must Login and Apply on the website. The tournament will be used to select players to represent Skerries on the U16, U13 and U11 teams in the Community Games Dublin Finals next spring. See Team > Junior for last year's Dublin finals. Non-Skerries residents who are members already may enter but not represent Skerries later, except as playing subs.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th CG medals in U16, U13, U11 age groups, with SCC medals for non-residents of Skerries.
U16 =1st Yuri Gaspar 5 C.G. Gold medal
U16 =1st Ethan Gicale 5 SCC Gold medal
U16 3rd Jack Guildea 2 SCC Bronze medal
U16 4th Alan Florczak 1 SCC 4th place medal
U16 2nd Tom Jackson 1 C.G. Silver medal
U13 1st Adam Gicale 4½ SCC Gold medal
U13 =2nd Neel Raparthi 4 SCC Silver medal
U13 =2nd Aarathya Muthu Thirupathi 4 SCC Silver medal
U13 1st Peadar Sherlock 3½ C.G. Gold medal
U13 4th Paddy Urbanski 2½ SCC 4th place medal
U13 2nd Kyle Aoki 2 C.G. Silver medal
U13 3rd Áine Loughran 1½ C.G. Bronze medal
U11 1st Darragh Costello 3½ SCC Gold medal
U11 1st Tom Tyndall 3½ C.G. Gold medal
U11 2nd Charlie Leonard 3 C.G. Silver medal
U11 2nd Joshua Monaghan 3 SCC Silver medal
U11 3rd James Sweetman 2½ SCC Bronze medal
U11 4th Bradley O’Sullivan 1½ SCC 4th place medal
U11 3rd Alessia Ventre 1½ C.G. Bronze medal
U11 4th Sam Sheridan 1 C.G. 4th place medal
Tue 05 Nov 2024 - Tue 17 Dec 2024 , 6 rounds (provisionally)
75 mins + 30 sec/move , or as agreed, to allow juniors to leave earlier.
Availability - enter or change your availability.
Players - their availability.
Fixtures - Pairings, results, standings. Choose round number.
Open to all members. May be two sections if sufficient entries.
€25, €15, €10 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Grading Prizes for U1500 of €15, €10 and €10.
1st John Loughran 5½
2nd Miguel Silveiro 4
3rd Donnacha Lenehan 3
U1500 1st Rui Caneira 1½
U1500 2nd Rajiv Gicale 1½
U1500 3rd Chadwick Samuel 1½
More information on past tournaments on the old Tournaments page.
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